It managed to feel fresh and exhilarating once again. Beautiful cinematography, great direction, awesome production values. A few minor quibbles, a little contrived at times, and as is the nature of the show it did seem a little wrapped up in its own smuggness at times, but I was utterly enveloped in the story, it had me wrapped from start to finish. Series 3 had been somewhat of a disappointment, a little too self satisfied I suppose, so I'm glad they did something different to refresh it, it was certainly different. I must admit I have been hugely looking forward to this, possibly because I was keen to see how the altered setting would work. The duo must uncover how this devious crime was carried out. Sherlock and Watson land in the late Nineteenth Century to solve the case of Emelia Ricoletti, a bride that killed herself, and then later manages to shoot her husband and bring about the death of Lord Carmichael.